

GOD IS GONE UPSaturday 5th April 2025 at 7:30 pm St John-in-Bedwardine 1A Bromyard Road,St. Johns,WORCESTER. WR2 5BS Tickets: £18, Concessions: £16, Students: free, under 18s accompanied by an adult: free, Tickets are available from Worcester Tourist Information Centre, The Guildhall, High Street, Worcester. WR1 2EY. Telephone: 01905 726311, email:tourism@worcester.gov.uk …

Chorale sings at Croome Court

On Saturday 17th September 2016 some of the Chorale singers, under the direction of Piers Maxim, provided musical entertainment at a charity function in the Long Gallery of Croome Court. The function which was attended by some 150 people, was organised by the Hereford and Worcester Gardens Trust to celebrate …

“Song of Songs” Review

Review of the “Song of Songs” concert held at Christ Church, Malvern on 27th February, 2016 Presenting an adventurous and challenging programme – devised and directed by Piers Maxim, (Director of Music at Malvern Priory) – The Elgar Chorale, with excellent young organist Aaron King, delighted their audience with music …